List of HECOLS publications

HE: Active Galactic Nuclei - M.Sikora, D.Kozieł-Wierzbowska (PL), G. Stasinska (FR)

CO: Disks around compact objects - F. Vincent, A. Różańska, M. Abramowicz (PL), E.Gourgoulhon, T. Paumard, O. Straub (FR)

CO: SageManifolds project - M. Bejger (PL), E.Gourgoulhon (FR)

CO: Differential rotation of neutron stars - D. Rosinska, I. Kowalska, M. Szkudlarek (PL), L. Villain (FR)

LS: Topology, lensing, and dynamics of the Universe - B. Roukema, T. Kazimierczak, J. Ostrowski (PL), T. Buchert, M. France (FR)

LS: Gravitational Lensing, and Structure and evolution of the Universe - M. Biesiada, A. Piorkowska (PL), R. Gavazzi (FR)

LS: Galaxies and their structure - E. Lokas, A. del Pino, G. Gajda et al. (PL), E. Athanassoula (FR)

LS: Properties of galaxies and large scale structure of the Universe at z~1 - Agnieszka Pollo, Katarzyna Małek, Janusz Krywult (PL), Olivier Le Fevre, Lidia Tasca, Sylvain de la Torre (FR)

LS: Star-forming infrared-bright galaxies (based on AKARI observations) - Agnieszka Pollo, Katarzyna Małek (PL), Veronique Buat, Denis Burgarella (FR)

LS: Clustering of galaxies at z~3 - Agnieszka Pollo, Anna Durkalec (PL), Olivier Le Fevre, Lidia Tasca, Sylvain de la Torre (FR)